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Christian Stenico
5. Aug. 20247 Min. Lesezeit
My Journey as a Scrum Master at open200
Discover the journey of a Scrum Master at open200, as he transcends traditional roles to enhance team efficiency and client satisfaction.

Benjamin Deutinger
7. Dez. 20236 Min. Lesezeit
Mastering the Art of Product Ownership: A Personal Journey and Practical Insights
The blog delves into the multifaceted role of a Product Owner, from defining the role to facing challenges and becoming one.

open200 Team
4. Nov. 20218 Min. Lesezeit
BurnUp Chart - Erfolgreich Prognostizieren und Planen
Der BurnUp Chart, das agile Planungs Tool das einfach zu nutzen aber schwer zu meistern ist.
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