A well-thought-out software project is essential, especially when dealing with the complexity and scalability of distributed systems, where traditional frameworks often fall short. AxonIQ provides a powerful solution based on CQRS and Event Sourcing, meeting the demands of modern enterprise applications. Focusing on high scalability, domain alignment, and simplified debugging, AxonIQ enables the efficient development and maintenance of complex software architectures.
Beitrag von Alex Wieland
Mehr lesenIm Zuge der IoT-Entwicklung sind intelligente Schließsysteme wie Xesar von EVVA essenziell für moderne Gebäudesicherheit. Die Xesar-MQTT-Schnittstelle ermöglicht die Integration von Drittsystemen, birgt jedoch Komplexitäten. Xesar-Connect, eine Open-Source-Library, vereinfacht diese Integration durch nutzerfreundliche Funktionen und Modellklassen, die die Interaktion mit dem Xesar-System optimieren.
Beitrag von Katharina Bernal und Martin Pfeffer
Mehr lesenToday we dive into the seamless initial setup of the NAP(P) stack: Angular, NestJs, PostgreSQL, and Prisma. This blog post serves as a guide to the straightforward configuration that lays the foundation for a powerful development environment for TypeScript.
Beitrag von Kevin Pirner
Mehr lesenEfficiently manage spatial data with PostGIS, a PostgreSQL extension, simplifying tasks like polygon handling and spatial queries.
Beitrag von Alex Wieland
Mehr lesenThe article discusses why NestJS is ideal for Angular developers venturing into backend development. It compares key concepts like modules, interceptors, guards, and pipes, highlighting their similarities and easing the learning curve.
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